The School of Education has established a new 4+1 teacher education program with concentrations in early childhood, elementary and secondary education. This innovative program allows future teachers to combine their Bachelors and Masters degrees and earn additional endorsements in teaching English Language Learners and Special Education students. Entry into this program is competitive and students apply in their sophomore year. The 5th year of this program is a full-time, unpaid student teaching clinical experience in a classroom with one of our partnership schools.
Donations to the teacher education scholarship fund will be used to defray the costs of this fifth year for students.
Students course books and materials for class per semester.
Defers the cost of one graduate course in the fifth year for a student.
Defers the cost of tuition for one semester for graduate courses.
Pays for one full year of support for a student in the fifth year of the teacher education program. This donation includes a full years tuition and a full year of fees, books and materials.