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Student Travel to Study Genocide & Mass Violence

Raised toward our $12,000 Goal
20 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 31, at 11:00 PM EST
Project Owners

Thanks so much to our wonderful donors!

December 14, 2015

We love our donors! This morning a wonderful message was posted on the Center's Facebook page by one of our community members, Ed Morneau. Please take a moment to read it and pass on the message. 


Ed Morneau As a retired teacher and a lifelong learner, joining Salem State for two of their Student Travel programs to Study Genocide and Mass Violence was a profound way to place my education and experience as a student of the Holocaust in context with the literature I used to teach. I have been to Poland (2014) and Germany (2015), and plan to join this study group for their April trip to Bosnia Croatia. As one might expect, the experiences have been sobering, but the harmony in the group and the learning opportunities organized by the faculty planners have made these trips illustrative of the importance of memory and inquiry. The free time set aside each day to explore the various cities in each country contribute to one's sense of global citizenry. Most importantly for me, confronting the very history that has brought so much suffering and sorrow delivers me to a place where contemplation underscores how knowledge, experience, and trying to understand the hard truths about human nature actually gives me hope for a world that can change for the better. Contributing whatever you can to this program contributes to this change.






December 04, 2015

Claude Kaitare talks about his recent trip to Rwanda with other students and Professor Rob McAndrews. 

Lauren Cote talks about how travel to Poland taught her more about her own culture!

December 03, 2015

Thank you so much for your support of our program. We are up to nearly $700, but we have a long way to go and we are asking you to spread the word for us with this video from M.A. graduate Lauren Cote. 

Student--Jillian Fitzgerald

December 02, 2015

Jillian talks about how scholarship money has allowed her to do things she never thought possible!

Video Testimony--Brendon Clarke-Coogan

December 01, 2015

English M.A. and Certificate in Holocaust and Genocide student Brendon Clarke-Coolgan talks about what it means to travel and connect with students his own age in Europe. 

Check this out!--Kelly Bilton Couture talks about our study travel institute

December 01, 2015

One of our graduate students, Kelly, made this video to tell you about how important her first trip abroad was to changing her views of the world. 

Poland Trip--Summer 2014

December 01, 2015

In the summer of 2014, The SSU Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies took students to Poland to visit sites of the Holocaust. We visited Krakow, Warsaw, Lublin and concentration camps including Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek. For many on this trip, it was a life-changing experience, and there are SSU students like the ones in this picture would love to have the same opportunity. By donating to our site, you can help help one of our SSU students do something that he or she would never have dreamed possible. Thanks!

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Open Your Eyes

The first step towards appreciating the weight and gravity of a travel opportunity such as this is for students to open their eyes and be open to the experience.


Hear the Stories

As students travel to the various locations on their trip, they will hear stories from local authorities to frame their understanding


Make Connections

On the trip, the students will not be having these experiences alone. Rather they will travel with faculty members, and fellow students with whom they can deepen personal relationships.


Gain Perspective

On their travel experience, students will be pushed out of their comfort zone at times, and will find be able to appreciate a clearer perspective of experiences both past and present.


Learn from the Past

This travel experience will offer the chance for those who are willing to really gain a more thorough understanding of the tragedies of our past. "Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana

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