"1 in 2 people will have a mental illness diagnosis in their lives.
Most mental illness can often be traced to childhood.
Prevention and intervention work."
Centers for Disease Control
The Salem State University Center for Childhood & Youth Studies is one of the premier centers serving the campus, city, state, nation and international communities to promote and enhance the well-being of children and youth.
This year the theme of our 6th annual Salem as a Safer Child Community Symposium is on mental health and illness. We have called it Continuing the Conversation - how do we get to 100%? This reflects our respect for everyone who is working to keep our youngest citizens safe and healthy.
It also reflects that we need to have conversations about how we can work together to make sure that 100% of our young people receive 100% of the care and services they need to be 100% healthy.
This is a huge goal. We cannot do this alone. We have to work together.
The interest in this symposium has been so overwhelming that we will run a set of mental health events and symposium in the next academic year.
In order to do this, we need financial support. We put on our events as a public service to the community, since we are committed to improving the health of our children. We do this free of charge to those attending, but this is possible only because of the generous donations from a variety of donors. Please donate what you feel you can to help us to continue to put on high quality programs at no cost to the public.
Learn more about the speakers and this year's seminar at our CCYS page www.salemstate.edu/ccys.
The CCYS provides workshops free of charge to the community. We can't do this without your help.
Would you be interested in sharing your mailing list, space, or working with us to create events? Donations at this level allow us to work with community partners to design events that are meaningful to their needs and the needs of youth in the community.
We need co-sponsors for the CCYS activities. Donations at this level would consider you a co-sponsor for a CCYS event and would highlight your commitment to the wellbeing of our youngest citizens. Lunch. Speakers. Materials. Opportunities for partnership and networking. Through our events, you get it all. Help us to continue to produce high quality programs in the future.